Watch Out This Deleted Scene From Dear Zindagi - Parajuli
  • Breaking News

    Tuesday, February 7, 2017

    Watch Out This Deleted Scene From Dear Zindagi

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    We all agree that out Censor Board has a vital role to play in the film industry. It plays its part an effectively. But sometimes it deletes some scenes just to reduce the length of the movie. This is what has happened with Dear Zindagi.

    Here we have shared a deleted scene from the film that really deserved to be the part of the film.


    In this scene, Alia looking for her assigned seat in a flight. She finds it occupied by an elderly man who asks her to take his instead in the front since he wants to sit with his son. She decides to adjust. But then, she notices that the other seat has already been occupied by two men. When she returns to her own seat, the elderly man taunts her by saying that kids today can’t adjust.

    Watch the scene at the link shared below.

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